Adrian van Velsen

Wine of the Week: Heumann Trinitás (Cabernet Franc)

“No prophet is accepted in his hometown.” Swiss Erhard Heumann, owner of Heumann Winery in Villány wine region proves the opposite. His wines are welcome in Switzerland and Swiss wine experts have high opinion of them.

Recently renowned wine writer, Adrian van Velsen introduced and rated Heumann wines on, all of them received points between 88 and 93. Adrian is a member of the jury of the Grand Prix de Vin Suisse (GPdVS) and tastes wines from all over the world for International Wine Awards Zurich (IWPZ).

Clear like a mountain stream

Trinitás – 100% Cabernet Franc – received 93+ points, and Adrien believes it can be kept until as long as 2035. Am important aspect when you think of investment! Very well structured on the palate, extremely juicy, straightforward and clear like a mountain stream” – comments Adrian appreciating the body, the good acid structure and the ripe tannins as well. “Spicy in the finish, with red and dark fruity aromas in the aftertaste. A very high quality Cabernet Franc that does not deny its warm home, has a lot of all layers, but is very balanced in the glass. Will increase with a little maturity.”

Read all Heumann wine ratings by Adrian van Velsen in German language

The spiritual home of Cabernet Franc

Another wine writer, Richard Lane wrote about his passion for Cabernet Franc in July on The Circular, the online magazine of The Circle of Wine Writers. In the conclusion of his article he mentiones Trinitás, too, though the previous vintage (2015):

“Where indeed is the spiritual home of Cabernet Franc, the variety that everyone has heard of, but nobody seems to know very well? Outside of the Middle Loire, does it really have an identity? And then, courtesy of Wanderlust Wines in the UK, perhaps an answer of sorts – in the form of a 2015 Trinitas Villány Franc from the Heumann Family winery. Elegant yet powerful and aromatic with concentrated brambly red and black fruits, an almost etherial and sultry sense of bliss as the fruit, tannins and refreshing acidity remained entwined with new oak, all in perfect balance. No empty mid-palate, just a slow acceleration before the gentlest, longest of finishes, a discreet descending parabola, gradually returning feet to ground. Perhaps the late Michael Broadbent was on to something when he said, two decades ago, how he thought Cabernet Franc had found its home in southern Hungary.”

Read the whole article by Richard Lane

More about Heumann Winery



Erhard Heumann Villány
Erhard Heumann at the 4th Hungarian Gettogether on19 August, 2021

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