
3 wines not to miss at Gourmet Festival

27–29 May, Budapest, Millenaris Park

Have you ever felt embarassed in front of a Michelin star restaurant? What if it is not worth the price? At Gourmet Festival you can get a sample of the plates of the most highly rated Hungarian restaurants, so that you can decide in a relaxed way if you ever want to visit them. Plus you can taste wines of several great wineries like Barta, Béres or Holdvölgy. Visiting the booths of these wineries you can see the different faces of Tokaj wine region.

“Hungary’s biggest gastronomy event is back with its 10th edition after a two-year break. The main attractions of the jubilant edition are local restaurants, wineries, confectioneries, brewers and palinka manufacturers. Besides having open-air tastings, the venue of our Gourmet Academy welcomes guests ready to learn and be entertained by international star chefs and unforgettable programs. Moreover, on Children’s Day, we are to suprise the kids with some fun events, too! Check the last Festival’s aftermovie to get a closer look of what we can provide!”
Tickets: 17 eur / day
Location: Millenáris Park (1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus street. 16–20.) Map
More info

Barta – organic wines from the most astonishing vineyard of Hungary

Öreg Király-dűlő (Old King vineyard) is reall breath taking, just like the wines it gives. Tamlyn Currin of has tasted 2018 vintage recently and gave it 18 points: Glorious, soaring nose. Intensely focused wine. The fruit is so rich on the palate that it is tropical — pineapple, Carabao mango, even a touch of passion fruit — but it’s far from a tropical fruit bomb. There is coruscating elegance in this wine. Shimmering intensity. Bay leaf, fine-ground cumin, cardamom spice, wild orange. Saline. It fans out and then folds back in again, moving in the mouth like wide silk ribbons underwater, one moment broad and shining and showing the full spectrum of it flavours, then next moment tight and narrow and laser-focused to the finish. Long after the last sip, it vibrates on the tongue, like a tiny electric current.” She has made you curious, hasn’t she?

More about Barta Cellar

Barta Öreg Király Furmint Tokaj

Béres – the 20 year old family winery with drops of heaven

József Béres, founder of the winery is the son of the world famous creator of Béres Drops, a substance full of trace minerals, which has helped millions of people. The winery is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, they will surely open some of the superb bottle fermented sparkling wine made of 100% of Hárslevelű. Tamlyn Currin also tasted one of Béres Furmint wines, a single vineyard Furmint from Lőcse vineyard from 2017: “Classic Furmint nose! The smell of pure Furmint always seems, to me, to have a lime-green luminosity to it! Heady florals that tumble from nose to palate. Nectarines, tangerine and exploding sweet lime and the locust-tree/acacia-blossom sweetness. The oak is but a whisper, bringing a pencil-tip-fine stipple of spice,more felt than tasted. Towards the finish, elegant richness builds: creamy warm almonds, even a touch of orange marmalade. Long. Superb.”

More about Béres Vineyard and Winery

Béres Lőcse Furmint Tokaj

Holdvölgy – from Meditation to Exaltation

Holdvölgy estate in Mád, the pearl of Tokaj named each of their wines with a word that evokes feelings, gives some impression even before tasting. Wine is art, wine stimulates our senses, thus Holdvölgy’s choice is quite smart and indeed the names speak to us. Let us quote a Tamlyn Currin tasting note again, this time of a Hárslevelű wine, the other most important grape varoety of Tokaj. Holdvölgy Expression Hárslevelű 2017 from Becsek vineyard received 17.5 points: “I put this to my nose and what fills my head is a tall beeswaxcandle and masses of honeysuckle flowers. The quote on the front label, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, says, ‘Beauty without expression is boring’. This is, quite simply put, a beautiful expression of Hárslevelű, and about as far from boring as you can get. I always think of Furmint as having the more pronounced, defining acidity, but in this wine the acidity is exquisitely fine, exquisitely pixelated, and is shaping every tiny crystal of flavour in the mouth. This is very, very exciting.”

More about Holdvölgy



Holdvölgy Expression Hárslevelű Becsek Tokaj

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