Kékfrankos masterclass ProWein 20 March

Unmissable ProWein masterclass on 20 March: the juicy & crispy Kékfrankos

The most planted Hungarian black grape is the grape of today. Fruit driven, juicy wine with refreshing acidity. Taste six gorgeous Kékfrankos wines accompanied with dishes prepared by Michelin Green Star chef Márton Tatai. The masterclass is conductaed by Pasi Ketolainen MW & András Horkay DipWSET. Register here now!

Date and time: 20 March (Monday), 11:00 – 11:45
Location: Wines of Hungary stand @Hall 12, D20, ProWein, Düsseldorf, Germany

Wines presented at the masterclass

Registration and more about the masterclass & speakers

Did you know that Kékfrankos is the most important ingredient of Szekszárdi Bikavér (Bull’s Blood from Szekszárd) wines?

More about Signum, one of the wines featured at the masterclass.

Bull’s Blood à la Bordeaux?

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