Book your table from discounted Restaurant Week in Hungary

3 course menus in top restaurants at 10.5 euros

The booking website is available from today for Hungarian nationwide Restaurant week 3–14 October. This year artisan restaurants from the countryside (called SVÉT) have joined the project. During the Restaurant Week 3 course menus are available is really reasonable price: 3300 HUF (10.5 euros) or 4900 HUF (15.5 euros) (Premium).
The booking process is easy: you just visit, choose location, click ont he selected restaurant, and you can see the special menus offered by the place for Restaurant Week. The site also displays guest evaluations of the given restaurant. You can book your table immediately, and then you only have to enjoy the culinary adventures. Wines are not included in the price.

Jankovich Kúria – by the bank of the river Danube

Jankovich Kúria, one of the SVÉT artisan restaurants is situated in idyllic environment (within a 4 star wellness hotel), on the bank of the river Danube, only an hour drive from Budapest. The restaurant works together with László Ruprecht, a creative chef of international fame. Jankovich Kúria features Korean cuisine apart from Hungarian dishes. For Restaurant Week they offer 3 to 5 dishes per course to choose from. The wine list of Jankovich Kúria boasts a good selection of Hungarian wines from iconic names with some real rarities. Here is a menu picked by us along with the wines.


Pajun – Korean thick flour pancake with vegetables, served with soy dipping sauce
With Thummerer Királyleányka, Eger
The aromatic Királyleányka pairs well with spicy Asian dishes, what’s more it offers a refreshing start for the dinner.


Main course

Beef cheek, mashed potato, cabbage
With Bock Syrah, Villány

The complex meal needs a complex wine, well, the Syrah made by József Bock is definitely a full bodied, ample pleasure, perfect with the juicy meat.



Coconut, cardamom, chia pudding, mango
With Vylyan Icewine, Villány

A real rarity, this icewine from the southernmost region of Hungary is a unique wine. The wine should always be sweeter than the dessert – this requirement is fully met. The wine can hardly be found!

Jankovich Kúria Wellness Hotel**** & Étterem

2459 Rácalmás, Jankovich Miklós köz 1., Hungary
Phone: +36-25-507-817

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