Furmint from an unexpected place!

Badacsony wine region is famous for Kéknyelű, a floral, graceful variety grown exclusively in the region. Olaszrizling is the most popular grape here – and in all the five wine regions around Lake Balaton. Furmint is rare on the volcanic Badacsony mountain, but Borbély Family Winery has just released its first Furmint! The vines were planted in 2015, this is the first vintage. Half of the wine was matured in stainless steel, while the other half was aged in 500 L oak barrel. The residual sugar (4 gram) is nicely balanced with its 7.2 acidity. Fruity character with lovely minerality. The lucky participants of the 2nd Hungarian Gettogether will have the chance to taste this novelty on 16 August, Mór. If you are a wine professional and you happen to stay in Hungary this weekend, let us know, we have a few more places for keen wine experts. The event is free for invited members of the trade. Other wineries of the event: Babarczi (Pannonhalma), Csányi (Villány), Csetvei (Mór), Etyeki Kúria (Etyek), Hilltop (Neszmély), Koch (Hajós–Baja), Sabar (Badacsony), Taschner (Sopron), Tóth Ferenc (Eger), Tornai (Somló), TR Winery (Tokaj), Vesztergombi (Szekszárd), Zsirai (Tokaj).

More about Borbély Family Winery

More about the 2nd Hungarian Gettogether


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