Taschner Irsai Olivér Sopron

Double record of Taschner Irsai Olivér 2021

Wine & Cheese festival in Budapest

The very first Hungarian wine of 2021 vintage released to the market was Taschner Irsai Olivér last autumn. The aromatic, crispy wine arrived early – and won immediately. At the annual New Vintage Wine Competition Taschner Irsai Olivér 2021 was selected the absolute champion of the contest!

Floral nose, lovely, charming and elegant. It contains a little carbon dioxide coming from fermentation, which makes it even more refreshing.”

The success proves the versatility of Sopron wine region in the north-west of Hungary, near the Austrian border. Sopron, the “City of Faith” is famous for Kékfrankos, but it has the potential to give crispy, exciting and elegant white wines as well.

Wine enthusiasts can taste Taschner Irsai Olivér along with other winner wines tomorrow (5 March) at New Vintage Wines & Cheeses Festival in Budapest. Some other exhibitors: Koch Winery (Hajós–Baja), Garamvári Vineyard (South Balaton), Paulus Wine House (Mór), Csányi Winery (Villány). Cheeses are provided by small cheese producers of Somogy county.

Venue: Lurdy Conference Centre, Budapest
Time: 5 March, 11.00–20.00
Tickets: available here or at the venue
Website of the event (in Hungarian)

More about Taschner Winery and Sparkling Wine House

Who is Irsai Olivér?

taschner kurt sopron irsai
Kurt István Taschner with his Irsai Olivér

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