Etyeki Kúria – The Most Beautiful Wine Estate 2022
Votes are still needed!
Agrotrend company organizes a “beauty contest” of farms, orchards and wine estates annually. The jury has already selected the winners of each category. This year the winning wine estate is Etyeki Kúria with its modern building fitting smoothly in the hilly vineyards around. The contest is not over yet: followers can vote for the absolute winner. At the moment Etyeki Kúria is in the 4th place, preceded by a family farm, an orchard and a gardening company. Flowers and trees are lovely, but so are the vineyards, plus Etyeki Kúria has a wonderful event venue, a gorgeous wine terrace, a state-of-the-art wine bar and in winter we can enjoy the unique, intimate igloo. And if it is about beauty, we must mention Etyeki Kúria labels with a clear and conceptual design: each label uses elements of the typical local Swabish embroidery style, referring to something typical of the wine – and they have just closed their first own label design contest.
Vote here!
Voting is in Hungarian, but it is easy, click on the green “SZAVAZOK” button on the right. You need to log in with Facebook or Google. Voting ends this Sunday at 12.00 (noon).