If Medoc Marathon is fully booked, register for Balaton Kristinus run!

Kristinus charity cross-country run and picnic will be held again this year on their very own state-of-art wine estate. 21 September2019, Kristinus welcomes professional and amateur runners, families and gastrolovers. Besides participating in the charity, guests can enjoy a variety of award winning wines and excellent food. Pre-registration is already available on their website, but no worries, it is also possible to get your racing number when you get there. There are three categories that racers can choose from, since there are 5, 10 and 21 km routes. The runner who crosses the finish line first gets a valuablewine selection and a night with breakfast for two persons at Kristinus Vinotel! The beloved wine estate of South Balaton wine region is within easy reach of Budapest, less than 2 hours by car on the motorway. After the race a glass of Krisecco– the areated wine of the estate – will serve as priceless source of refreshement!„Bubbles zigzag across its light yellow tone. Its aroma is dominated by fresh yellow apples. Its light, bubbly nature lends freshness to an exhilarating taste with a slightly bitter finish. When thoroughly chilled, it’s the ideal choice for a rendezvous and a lengthy chat on a jetty at Lake Balaton. Recommended for light, apricot cupped desserts or apricot panna cotta.”

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