Type of the wine: Red, dry
Grape variety: CABERNET SAUVIGNON 100%
Acidity / alcohol content: N/A g/l 14%
Terroir, vineyard:  Villány wine region, Imre valley in diósviszló commune
Training system:  Kniffin and guyot
Harvest: Hand harvested
Technology:  Fermented in wooden vat, aged in small oak barrel and in bottle.
Quality level:  ‘PRÉMIUM’
Temperature:  18 – 19 °C
Food pairing:  Game dishes
Available quantity:  6.100 BOTTLES
Retail price:  1.800 HUF / 5-6 EUROS
Story:  Vin Art Winery of Csaba Koch created this wine with the intention of
an artist.The wine is in the Classicus classification ofVillány.The grape comes from Csaba Koch’s own vineyard, the harvest was carried on with the highest care and attention, and after a selection of the berries the wine was fermented in the traditional way in wooden vat, then aged in oak barrel.


Rich nose and palate with its own character.

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