Sliding accross the largest lake of Europe

Lake Balaton is not only the biggest lake and holiday resort in Hungary, but it’s the largest lake in Europe as well, a favourite resort of my Europeans. The light blue water has a nice tempterature in summer, plenty of good restaurants dot the beach and 5 wine regions out of the 22 Hungarian wine regions are situated around the lake. Still it is a struggle to make the population be aware of the fact that Balaton is ’open all year’, its towns and villages offer enough atrractions througout the whole year.

16179081_623179914556779_7343075967710271380_oOne of the most important mass event is the swimming accross the lake in July, when thousands of sportmen and enthusiastic amateurs complete the 5,2 km race. Yesterday the activists of the resort – mostly members of The Circle of Balaton – organized a ’Sliding across Lake Balaton’ between Badacsony (north beach) to Fonyód (south beach). The mass event was really an event for the masses: more then 7000 people slode accross by skate, sleigh or by some other device. Due to the severe winter in Hungary the lake has a firm and safe ice surface, no one was injured. Of course the whole event was secured by the water guards and the participants could even use a free app to find their way – though it was needless, since the thousands of happy sliders formed a ’human chain’ accross the lake.

As Gábor Kardos, the man behind the event said previously: this was the biggest extreme winter event of a community in Europe!

Here is a video with the breathtaking view of the grand crossing from the air:


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