Szekszárd In Bottle: Budapest tasting on 22 October

The southern wine region called Szekszárd is probably the best example of efficient marketing based on team work. Winemakers, especially the young generation have realized, that they can achieve much more when join forces, and Szekszárd bottle is the manifestation of this mutual work. Only high quality Kadarka, Kékfrankos and Bikavér wines can be bottled in Szekszárd bottle, and the quality of the wines is checked by a strict regional committee with blind tasting. On 22 October participants can taste wines from at least 16 wineries in a walkabout tasting, downtown Budapest, in the fancy Societé Bistro. Some wineries not to miss: Németh János Winery, Heimann Family Winery, Lajvér Wine Estate or Eszterbauer Winery. János Eszterbauer is one of the „engines” behind the mutual thinking, and his wines are exceptional. Try his Kadarka wines, which will give a new dimension to this grape variety! Nagyapám (’My Grandfather’) is the result of their clonal selection and the fruits of their old vineyards give the elegant and complex flavour. Shockingly intense kadarka!

Tickets for Szekszárd In Bottle

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