7 facts about the “unpronounceable ” grape
Cserszegi Fűszeres is Hungarian grape variety giving juicy, lovely, aromatic wines. Its cheerful flavours can lift up our weekdays.
A stunning Traminer from Somló
The unique, volcanic wine region of Somló mountain can give special Traminer wines, as Fehérvári Reserve Tramini 2022 proves.
Taste new vintage Tűzkő wines at Borjour Magnum
The normal tickets are sold out. If you want to meet Tűzkő and the other 199 winemakers, you can still buy 'Plusz' ticket for 15 000 HUF.
3 Top Traminer wines from Hungary
Did you know that Traminer is also produced in Canada? Did you know that Traminer is NOT from Tramin? Let's have a Traminer lesson and 3 'Tramini' worth tasting – well, the last