Another 93 points to Heumann La Trinità 2019
This Villányi Franc received 93 points from Markus del Monego MW a year ago, and now we share the great news that Andreas Larsson Best Sommelier of the World gave exactly the same
Teleki wines and many more at this weekend in Timișoara (Romania)
The event is a walk-around wine exhibition with more than 30 wineries, plus masterclasses in various topics each day of the event.
Bock wine dinner at Hotel Marriott Budapest on 8 November
Bock wine dinner at Marriott Hotel on 8 November with the finest new wines presented by József Bock personally.
9th Franc & Franc Tasting Day in Villány on 23 November
Only 21 tickets are left for the tasting day, where 5 wineries will host guest wineries, thus participants can taste altogether more than 40 varietal Cabernet Franc wines
Footprint, book pages, vines – the renewed Teleki brand
"We always have stories to tell" – claims Teleki team, and we are looking forward to the stories of their wines.
1000 wines to taste today in Budapest
Choose to taste from more than 1000 wines from 200 wineries today in Budapest, including Gere Tamás & Zsolt wines from Villány.
“The perfect constellation of barrel & cellar with a pinch of Swiss preciseness”
Come and taste Heumann wines (including the current vintage of Terra Tartaro) at Wine Paris!
Wine of a niche grape tricks wine writers
Csóka (meaning 'blackbird') was an almost extinct grape variety. Vylyan Vineyard and Winery was looking for something local and ancient...
Which countries give the most best value wines?
James Suckling has recently published his list of the Top 100 Value Wines of 2023. Hungary is represented with one wine on this precious list: Sauska Merlot Kopár 2017 from Villá
The Glorious March of Heumann La Trinità Continues
Earlier this year we wrote about the immense success of three vintages of La Trinitá, a varietal Cabernet Franc made in Villány–thus it is a 'Villányi Franc'–by Heumann Wine