The most beautiful volcano of the largest lake

Badacsony tasting in New York Palace, Budapest, 14 April

Lake Balaton is the largest lake of the European continent, and one of the most emblematic photos of the lake shows Badacsony mountain as it mounts above the light blue water surface. However the lake is not only an accessory of the breathtaking scenery: it has a significant role in temperating the vineyards. The volcanic soil of the mountain, the high number of annual sunny hours, the indigenous grapes with the super rare Kéknyelű all make Badacsony an outstanding wine region.

Pre-selected wines to taste

The most important annual tasting of the wine region in the capital is held on 14 April this year, the venue is the usual one: the glamorous New York Palace, an iconic building of Budapest (now an exclusive hotel maintaned by an Italian company, but in the 19th century New York Café was the meeting place of Hungary’s revolting souls, the most talented authors and poets). However, because of the popularity of the event, this year a new hall will host the event called Róma on 400 nm2. Following the tasting of last year an article was published on one of the leading online wine journal with a rather critical point of view. The author blamed the event because he could taste some faulty wines. The article resulted an outrage on the part of the exhibitors, blaming the author claiming him to be unprofessional and generalizing, and claiming that he should have expressed his opinion on the spot and should have asked for another sample in case of faults. Probably it was the reason behind this years concept: all the wines are blind tasted before the event to guarantee that faulty wines cannot appear in New York Palace.

150 wines and more

35 wineries will pour more than 150 wines, plus two masterclasses await visitors: one about Kéknyelű with 7 totally different wines, held by Zoltán Sánta WSET CE, Dip WSET (AIWS), Weinakademiker, and another one by András Wolf, Bocuse d’Or Academy member and chef of Salon (the exclusive restaurant of New York Palace) about food pairing. Besides wineries, hotels and tourist companies will also exhibit offering their services and promoting Badacsony according to the new concept: Badacsony – and the whole region of Balaton – can offer attractions throughout the year. 

Two great examples

If the introduction was not enough to water your mouth, here you are two examples from Badacsony wine region – both wineries will exhibit at the event.

  • Sabar ‘Kőmagas’ Kéknyelű

    A lovely example of the indigenous Kéknyelű. Flowery nose with clean and fresh appearance. On the palate it is zesty with vivid, crispy acidity. On the palate we can discover the notes we have found on the nose: flowery, fruity. A most enjoyable, elegant wine with perfect balance.

Another grape variety that can be found only in Badacsony. Light, golden yellow colour. Intense floral notes typical of Rózsakő on the nose with some hints of citrus fruits. Acidity is slightly more moderate then that of its sister variety, Kéknyelű.

More more information about the grapes, visit our Grape Dictionary.

When, where and how much

Date: 14 April, 14.00–21.00
Location: New York Palace, Erzsébet krt 9–11., Budapest, Hungary, 1073 

Tickets in advance: 6900 HUF (22 euros), at the venue (25.4 euros) in limited quantity

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