Top 25 of Pannon Region
The best wines Pécs, Szekszárd, Tolna and Villány
Hungary has 22 wine regions, and 4 of them belong to Pannon broader wine region: Tolna, Pécs, Szekszárd and Villány. On 11 May 150 wines competed for the prestigious title of PANNON TOP25. It was the 13th edition of the contest organized by Pécsi Borozó wine magazine, Pannon wine region and the Association of Grape Growers of Mecseknádasd.
The Top 25 wines in alphabetical order
BOCK Winery Bock 40 2017 (Villány) – photo above, description below
BODRI Winery Optimus Cuvée 2019 (Szekszárd)
BODRI Winery Grand Cuvée 2017 (Szekszárd)
CSÁNYI Winery Teleki Tradíció 1881 Villányi Franc Kopár 2017 (Villány)
DANUBIANA Winery Pinot Blanc 2021 (Pannon)
EBERHARDT Cellar Merlot 2017 (Pécs)
ESZTERBAUER Winery Telihold Kékfrankos 2019 (Szekszárd)
FRITZ Estate Két Dudás 2018 (Szekszárd)
GERE&SCHUBERT Sauvignon Blanc 2021 (Pannon)
GRÓF APPONYI Winery Chardonnay 2021 (Tolna)
HUDÁK WEINGARTEN Szaperavi 2020 (Pécs)
LELOVITS TAMÁS Winery Két-Hold Merlot 2020 (Villány)
NÉMETH JÁNOS Winery Porkoláb Cuvée 2019 (Szekszárd)
PRANTNER FERENC Rosé 2021 (Szekszárd)
RICZU TAMÁS Winery Kékfrankos 2019 (Villány)
RICZU TAMÁS Winery Villányi Franc 2018 (Villány)
SCHIEBER Winery Patina Cabernet Franc 2018 (Szekszárd)
SCHIEBER Winery Tabu Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 (Szekszárd)
STREIT-ZAGONYI Winery Kékfrankos Rozé 2021 (Villány)
TAKLER Winery Rajnai Rizling Birtokválogatás 2020 (Szekszárd)
VELIN Winery Sauvignon Blanc 2021 (Pécs)
VESZTERGOMBI Cellar Turul 2017 (Szekszárd)
VESZTERGOMBI Cellar Csaba 2017 (Szekszárd)
VYLYAN Vineyard and Winery Montenuovo Cuvée 2019 (Villány)
VYLYAN PINCÉSZET Prémium Kékfrankos 2020 (Villány)
Happy 40th harvest!
Bock 40 was born to commemorate József Bock’s jubilee harvest, the 40th one of his life. It is a Bordeaux blend (Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot) aged in 225 L new oak barrels.
The appearance of the wine promises great concentration as it slowly swirls in the glass leaving “legs” on the wall of the glass. Deep, intense ruby colour with garnet edge. The nose is abundant in ripe fruits – pomegranate, plum and forest fruits – with spices like cardamom, pepper and cnnamon. Dry wine with medium plus body and moderate feel of alcohol (even though the alcohol content is 14.89%.) and vibrant acidity. The intense, long aftertaste is another sign of having a “great wine” in our glass.
Only 3000 bottles were made and the wine was released last year, to celebrate the 40th harvest.
Mora bout Bock Winery and the wines