Tounge twister or refreshing pleasure?

11 July, Budapest, Duna broader wine region tasting

Cserszegi Fűszeres is a grape variety indigenous in Hungary, and indeed it sounds like a tounge twister for a foreigner. It is a crossing between Irsai Oliver and Red Traminer. The word ‘cserszegi’ refers to the village, where Károly Bakonyi, the creator lived. ‘Fűszeres’ means spicy, it refers to the spicy character of the grape. Kunság, Hajós–Baja – the two less appreciated wine regions produce a lot of the grape with some nice examples. On 11 July Hotel Gellért will host a tasting of 12 wineries from Duna region (including Hajós–Baja, Csongrád and Kunság wine regions). The tasting offers a wonderful discovery of grape varieties with Cserszegi Fűszeres and about 20 other grapes. Koch and Frittmann wineries are both from Duna broader region, both were awarded Winery of the Year, both make great Cserszegi Fűszeres, and you can taste both of them on 11 July.

Hajós Bajai Cserszegi Fűszeres, Koch Winery

Gooseberry and elderberry on the nose with ‘the promise of full bodied wine (just as charming as that of a beautiful woman). On the palate its acidity is like a melody. Complex wine in which the variety and the technology encounters and results in preserved primary aromas and flavours, still it is not the usual perfume like wine, not simple and flat, but attractive, healthy, full of life and power.

Frittmann Cserszegi Fűszeres, Kunság, 2017

Light lemon coloured wine with a scent of white flowers as well as pear, apple and white-fleshed peach in the fragrance. On the palate, fruity aromas fill the light body. Alcohol level is proportionately low, its medium level acid content creates impressions of citrus. Recommended to cheerful moments, even as a spritzer.

Where, when and for how much?

The tasting will be held on the spectacular terrace of Hotel Gellért from 6 pm to 10 pm.

Tickets cost 5500 HUF (17 euros) at the venue.

Check it!

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