Barta Wines – the „OMG” story continues

As we reported less than a year ago, Tamlyn Currin wine writer of could not find the word for Barta Öreg Király Furmint, so she began her wine description with the rather unusual start as indicated in the title. She is not the only one using superlatives when it comes to Barta wines from Mád, Tokaj wine region.

A few days ago Robert Smyth, wine writer of Budapest Business Journal dedicated an article to Tokaji Aszú wines – in connection with the International Aszú Day on 10 December – and praising Aszú wines he went on writing: „I was fortunate enough to recently taste three six puttonyos offerings from the same producer (Barta from the Tokaj town of Mád) and the same vineyard (the remarkable looking Öreg Király dűlő, comprising volcanic rhyolite tufa with some zeolite and red clay) but from different vintages, and it is a joy to the senses how these magical wines slowly mature and change character with every passing year.” Then, again recently VinCE Magazin (an important print magazine in Hungary) has created an article with renowned Hungarian winewriters naming their best wine of the year. László Romsics dipWSET wine expert, consultant editor of the magazine, CEO of Csányi Winery picked a new release blend from Barta. KVG Furmint–Hárslevelű 2018 is his favourite this year because „I like complex wines with pure flavour profile and wines with a message for me. Vivacious, vibrant, elegant wines, which grab my attention and keep it for a long time.” (See the relevant piece of page below.)


Artisan wine bar – a new place to go and to be

MyWine Bar is a relatively new place, a shop which keeps a carefully selected portfolio of wines – including almost the whole range of Barta wines. MyWine Bar is a wholesale store and webshop, but in the centre of Budapest (5th district, Arany János street 16) all the wines of the portfolio are to be found and in most cases to be tasted by the glass as well. Good craft beer selection, plus ham and cheese platters are also available to make the tasting experience complete. The wine bar is open all day, more information (in Hungarian) here.

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