Etyeki Kúria Chardonnay event 2022

Tonight is the night of …Chardonnay!

18 June, Etyeki Kúria, 16.00–22.30

Etyeki Kúria has been making Chardonnay for 25 years and they have celebrated the variety for some years now. Tonight besides Etyeki Kúria wines participants can taste Chardonnay from 18 guest wineries! The event is called ChardonnÉJ – since ‘éj’ means ‘night’ in Hungarian.

The event is a relaxed walk around tasting in and around the state-of-the-art winery building of Etyeki Kúria, surrounded by vineyards on ‘Öreghegy’ (‘Old Hill’). Etyek is a short drive from Budapest, and public transport is also available (ticket includes bus transfer, but you should register very quickly). Ticket also includes the tasting of some Chardonnay wines by the exhibitors (other wines are to be purchased) and water. The tasting is followed by live music – so ChardonNITE is for those, who likes staying up.

Exhibitors come from all over the country, some examples: Taschner from Sopron, Babarczi Family Winery from Pannonhalma, Dubicz Winery and Vineyard from Mátra, Sauska from Tokaj (and Villány), Lajver from Szekszárd, Paulus Wine House from Mór or Kovács Nimród Winery from Eger.
Tickets cost 17 500 HUF
Food will be available from the terrace of Etyeki Kúria and by different gastro exhibitors.
For the transfer bus contact event:

Etyeki Kúria Chardonnay event

And certainly do not miss to taste Wine of the Month at Etyeki Kúria, which is – no surprise – a Chardonnay. Etyeki Kúria Chardonnay 2019 spent 12 months on fine lees, fermentation took place partially in stainless steel 875%) and partially in 300 L barrel (30% of the barrel was new). “There is an exception to every rule: this is our only white wine that is partially fermented and matured in barrels. A well-struck balance between fruitiness and creaminess which we owe to barrel ageing.”

More about Etyeki Kúria

Etyeki Kúria Chardonnay 2019 Hungary

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