– the winner of Millésima Blog Awards 2017!

banner_wine-reporter-award-winnerDear readers and followers of ours, the result of Millésima Blog Awards 2017 is official today: we have won in Wine Report category with our article about Somló. Hungary is proud now: out of the 6 winners 2 are Hungarians!

Here is the announcement from Millésima:

“The public vote on our Facebook pages ended on Friday 27 January at 23:59, after a very large participation of the voters – over 4,000 votes, compared to 1,190 in 2016. Our Grand Jury selected 18 finalists by the quality and originality of the submitted articles. These 18 individuals won a magnum from Château Pichon Baron 2011 (second growth in 1855 in Pauillac) and a magnum from Château Suduiraut (Classified First Growth in 1855 in Sauternes).

We would like to thank all participants (those who submitted articles, the voters, and our finalists) for their interest in our competition.

Finally, we would also like to express our thanks to our exceptional partner, Château Pichon Baron (with the Axa Millésimes group) and to the great members of the jury, Aurélien Valance (Deputy General Manager of Château Margaux), Panos Kakaviatos (wine journalist), and Mike Turner (blogger and wine event consultant) who have shown great professionalism in selecting the 18 captivating articles.”

 And the Winners are…

We are thrilled to announce the 6 winners of the 2017 Blog Awards contest! would like to say thank you to all the people who voted, and at the same time we would like to invite all of them for an unforgettable boutique summer wine festival.

When? 20 August, 2017

Where? It is to be finalized, but broader Balaton region for sure, Hungary.

And last but not least

We are grateful to the wineries we can represent from Somló:

And don’t forget, drink Juhfark, not because of your possible successors, but for your pleasure!

Picture1Ágnes Nemeth – Hungary – Hungarian wines Blog

Agnes Nemeth
Agnes was born in Hungary, near the Austrian border (Burgenland). After studying English grammar and literature in another wine region, Eger, she studied journalism. It was during her years as a student that a casual interest in wine became a true passion. In 2004, she became editor-in-chief the Hungarian edition of the famous English Decanter. In 2010, she was the co-founder and inventor of VinCE Budapest, a major annual wine event held in March, and the first of its kind in Budapest. In 2011, she embarked on a new wine magazine of the same name, and VinCE magazine launched under her leadership as editor-in-chief. In 2013 she received the Pro Turismo Prize from the Hungarian Government for her extensive contribution to bringing international wine experts to Hungary. Finally in 2016, she chose to change course, and moved with her family to Spain (Catalonia) to live in the capital of Cava. She developed a structure of tasting and travelling around the wine ( In October 2016, this indefatigable entrepreneur launched the only English-language information website on Hungarian wines (


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