VinCE Budapest Wine Show – a glamorous wine event just before ProWein

VinCE wine exhibition with masterclasses is an unforgettable wine event on 17–19 March, and its venue, the glamorous 5 star Corinthia Hotel Budapest gives it a special atmosphere. Wine experts like Jancis Robinon MW, Steven Spurrier, Warren Winiarski, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jamie Goode and many others have already participated in VinCE Budapest Wine Show – you should experience the unique Hungarian wines, and also the stunning selection of the wines of the world poured at the masterclass.

ExhibitorVinCE Budapest organizers take care of quality: wineries can apply only if they previously had at least 4 star (more than 18 scores out of 20) result at VinCE Magazine’s panel tasting. The 1000 quality wines can be tasted with one daily ticket, which costs only 45–51 euros – with your discount event less. If you are a wine professional, please write for professional 50% discount on the professional day:

Tickets and more information:

Watch this video to get a glimpse of the atmosphere:

Top Furmint wines and the new Furmint Glass by dr. José Vouillamoz

The flagship wine of Tokaj and also one of the most significant grape variety of Somló – has putting Furmint on the flag of Hungary proved to be a good decision? How about Furmint wines from other countries? It doesn’t matter how deep knowledge you have of Furmint, Dr. José Vouillamoz grape geneticist will tell you new things for sure! The wine list of the masterclass includes Furmint wines from Hungary and abroad as well (for example Furmint from Heidi Schröck, Burgenland, Austria or Verus, Slovenia). As part of the masterclass the audience will have a chance to discover the recently developed Furmint Glass as the best wine glass to make Furmint wines shine. Lőcse Furmint from Béres Vineyard will be one of the stars of the flight.

Liam Steevenson MW

Liam Steevenson MW

Grandiose tasting, grandiose wines – magnum bottles

On the first day of VinCE, 17 March, which is the so called professional day of the event, the very first masterclass is a grandiose one indeed: Liam Steevenson MW will lead a tasting where the same wine, same vintage will be tasted from a normal and a magnum bottle. Ruinart champagne by György Márkus, Recaredo cava by Ton Mata owner, Kreinbacher Prestige Brut by Norbert Bodorkós, a Provence aged rosé presented by Elizabeth Gabay, Terroir al Limit Priorat by its owner and Gere Kopár presented also by its owner and winemaker, Attila Gere. Do not miss this unforgettable tasting!

Elizabeth Gabay MW

Elizabeth Gabay MW

Blending’ Bikavér’ of Szekszárd – how to create the blend?

Best cuvée-s are said to be better than the original wines before blending. Even if you find the ideal recipe, it is not meant for eternity, since vintages vary and so do the wines of the different vintages. Sometimes you need more Kékfrankos for its great acidity, sometimes you want more of the spiciness of Kadarka. Can you imagine how much of a challenge it is? Now you have the opportunity to look behind the curtain, learn everything about blending Bikavér with Elizabeth Gabay MW and Csilla Sebestyén Dip WSET, and try the mysterious procedure of blending! Here is the wine list of the exciting workshop:

  • Vida Családi Borbirtok – Bikavér 2013
  • Heimann Családi Birtok – Bikavér 2014
  • Sebestyén Pince – Iván-völgyi Bikavér 2012.
  • Takler Borbirtok – Bikavér Reserve 2013.
  • Eszterbauer BorászatTüke Bikavér 2013
  • Fritz Borház – Bikavér 2013

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