6th Hungarian Gettogether
17 August 2023
Venue: Kristinus Wine Estate, South Balaton

The Main Sponsor of Gettogether:
Volkswagen ID. family

Guest exhibitor: Markus Molitor, Mosel, Germany
“Markus Molitor is a perfectionist, a fearless, endlessly-driven workaholic. Every aspect of his wines radiates his personality: energetic, assertive, uncompromising, but also reflects great refinement, sensitivity, and harmony. Molitor plays the full keyboard of grape varieties, styles and sites like no other winegrower in the Mosel” GAULT & MILLAU
A family run estate with the focus on Riesling, Pinot Noir & Pinot Blanc. In the past ten years our wines were rated 21 times with 100 points from Robert Parkers Wine Advocate. Currently we distribute in 62 countries.

Guest exhibitor: Marcazzan Winery, Verona, Italy
”This is the task, this is the toil” (Virgil, Aeneid, VI, 12)
My name is Fabio Marcazzan and in 2016 I realized my dream of opening my business and creating my wines.My winery stands in San Giovanni Ilarione, a small village in the foothills east of Verona, at the foot of a land of volcanic origin, the acidity of which encourages vine growth, producing a wine with unique, structured and lingering aromas made with a semi-craft footprint. Lessini mountains – an extraordinary microclimate, an excellent geology.
We produce 4 wines among the most noble white Italian grapes Durello DOC composed from a territory of 15 CRU, in martinotti method (charmat), the unique still version and the awarded, second to none, traditional method by Wine Enthusiast and Wine Plus, and Cabernet Franc awarded by Wine Hunter, and lately with double gold medal by Gilbert & Gaillard together with the still white one.

Guest exhibitors / Vendégkiállítók
Vino Castillo
Vino Castillo wine importer, wholesale and retail has the largest selection of Spanish wines in Hungary. The company offers wines from every region of Spain from Galicia to Catalunya, from Rioja to Andalusia, from carefully selected wine estates with long history. The company will introduce some pearls of the range, certainly including well chilled cavas and other exciting wines.
A Vino Castillo a legnagyobb kínálattal rendelkező magyarországi spanyol borimportcég, nagy- és kiskereskedés. Spanyolország minden régiójából gondosan kiválasztott, nagy múltú birtokok legjobb borait és pezsgőit kínálja Galíciától Katalóniáig, Riojától Andalúziáig. Ebből nyújtanak ízelítőt, természetesen sok, jéghideg cavával és izgalmas borokkal.

– REKONTIR Lounge powered by

– Wine cocktails by Norbert Schök bar tender, powered by HNT

– Winery visit and biodynamic workshop by Florian Zaruba (in English) and László Dóber (in Hungarian), pre-registration is needed!
– Attila Légli presenting his amphoras
More info here
– “Zuzmo” offering fermented drinks
More info here
– After 7 some DJ helps us relax…
Participating wineries / A résztvevő pincészetek
The Guests
Confirmed guests so far (partners, plus ones, kids, dogs are not listed:)
- Jonas Röjerman Master of Wine, Sweden
- Amrita Singh, importer, India
- Mattia Antonio Cianca, importer, France
- Prof. Guido Invernizzi, wine expert, Italy
- Amanda Wammer, importer, 99 Bottles Co, Taiwan
- Stefano Voidomatis, wine writer, Greece
- Florian Zaruba, winemaker, manager, Kristinus Wine Estate, Hungary
- Nóra Pákozdi, journalist, NoSalty, Hungary
- Ewa Hangel, importer, Kociolek y Wino, Poland
- Sergio Mazuelo, Italy
- Balázs Andor Bóka, wine writer, Hungary
- Marco Barbieri, wine writer, Italy
- Suze Collins, wine bar co-owner, Bortodoor, UK / Hungary
- Smike Letwinsky, wine bar co-owner, Bortodoor, UK / Hungary
- Kasper Christenson, importer, Winen, Denmark
- Bert Lemahieu, importer, Bíbor wines, Belgium
- Sylvie Pelissier, tour operator, France / Hungary
- Paolo Migliorsi, Marcazzan Winery, Italy
- Daniel Kiowski, Markus Molitor Winery, Germany
- Luis Fuentes winemaker and wine writer, Chile / Hungary
- Csaba Rádler, communication director, REKONTIR, Hungary
- Edit Szabó, wine writer, owner, Borsmenta.hu, Hungary
- Tamás Jakab, wine writer, wine merchant, Hungary / Austria
- Ildikó Jakab, photographer, JakabPhoto, Hungary / Austria
- Norber Schök, bar tender, Hungary
- Edit Sinkó, journalist, drive.hu, Hungary
- Csaba Maróthy, journalist, dramatist, Hungary
- Natália Szenczi, wine expert, Hungary
- Emma Bozsó, restaurant manager, St Andrea Skybar, Hungary
- Tímea Kókai Nagy, wine expert, Hungary
- Zsolt Ferenczi, wine merchant, WineArt.sk, Slovakia
- Sebastian Giraldo Makovej sommelier champion, Hungary / Columbia
- Róbert Filiczky, wine merchant, Hungaro-Delikates, Czech Republic
- Dezső Diószegi, commercial director, WineHub, Hungary
- Zoltán Mong, wine merchant, co-owner, Fill The Wine Box, Hungary
- Róbert Papp, wine merchant, co-owner, Fill The Wine Box, Hungary
- Krisztián Száraz, wine expert, Hungary
- Rebeka Vida, winemaker, Lajver Wine House
- Attila Légli, amphora manufacturer, Hungary
- Szilvia Szerencse, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Adrien Hili, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Lídia Füle, wine expert, Hungary
- Dr Mihály Konkoly, wine writer, commercial director, Szeleshát, Hungary
- Katalin Nork, wine expert, Hungary
- Zsuzsa Toronyi, owner, Wines of Hungary UK, Hungary / UK
- Gábor Somos, wine expert, Hungary
- Péter Tibold, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Dr Ákos Lini, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Rebeka Pásztor, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Anna Angelika Horváth, wine connoisseur, Hungary / Spain
- Péter Kemény, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Andi Balog, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Dr Péter Podmaniczky, winemaker. Hungary
- Attila Pócz, winemaker. Hungary
- Ferenc Androsics, winemaker. Hungary
- Ferenc Bujdosó Jr, winemaker. Hungary
- János Czagány Sr, tourism, Balaton, Hungary
- János Czagány Jr, tourism, Balaton, Hungary
- Sándor Silye, wine writer, Hungary
- Ivett Vancsik, editor-in-chief, Vince Magazine, Hungary
- Péter Blazsovszky, sommelier, wine writer, Hungary
- Zsófia Bozzai, editor-in-chief, Bor és Piac, Hungary
- Csilla Jánosi, tour operator, co-owner, Wine-a-More, Hungary
- István Jánosi, tour operator, co-owner, Wine-a-More, Hungary
- Beáta Keszler, digital wine marketing expert, DeeWine, Hungary
- Dezső Szünder, wine writer, Hungary
- Sándor Ember, wine expert, wine writer, Hungary
- Emese Domián, DipWSET wine expert, Hungary
- Sándor Csíki, wine writer, FoodandWine, Hungary
- Rita Rendik, wine marketing / mecrhant, MarketMore, Sweden / Hungary
- Dr Botond Simon, co-owner, ‘Országos Bortúra’ wine tourism app, Hungary
- Szonja Bencze, co-owner, ‘Országos Bortúra’ wine tourism app, Hungary
- Hajnalka Szabó, wine writer, Borkaller.hu, Hungary
- Fanni Piskor, wine marketing expert, Hungary
- Endre Kassai, wine writer, Hungary
- Krisztina Csiba, wine writer, Hungary
- Zsolt Szente, wine merchant, TotalDrinks, Hungary
- Zsuzsa Gyimesi, journalist, HVG, Hungary
- Péter Szauer, award winner journalist, editor, HVG, Hungary
- Gergely Horváth-Töreki, actor, Hungary
- Alíz Horváth, photographer, FreeLens, Hungary
- Máté Csanaki, marketing, Zsirai Winery, Tokaj
- Vivien Zsótér, sommelier, St Andrea Skybar
- Mátyás Ambrus, sommelier, Haris Park, Hungary
- Ágnes Peller, sales manager, Forbes magazine, Hungary
- Bernadett Poós, communication manager, HNT, Hungary
- Gábor Laczkó, winemaker, Hungary
- Dániel Konyári, winemaker, Hungary
- Balázs Csapodi, restaurant owner, Kistücsök, Hungary
- Laura Rabcsánszki, award winner blind taster, Hungary
- Dr Levente Molnár, award winner blind taster, Hungary
- Dr Mónika Doroszlay, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Gábriel Nyulasi, wine writer, Ihatóbb Magyarországért, Hungary
- Attila Tancsó, wine marketing manager, Villány, Hungary
- Boglárka Dóra Kovács, wine marketing manager, Villány, Hungary
- Zsófia Heidinger, wine route manager, Villány, Hungary
- Réka Mihaiu-Kovács, marketing, Villány, Hungary
- Bernadette Lautner, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Szabó Zoltán, wine writer, winemaker, Hungary
- Csilla Gőgh, sales manager, Vince magazine
- Viktória Örökös, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Adrienn Tóbiás, writer, blogger, wine merchant, UandStyle, adriennedeluxe.hu, Hungary
- Ágnes Babotai, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Brigitta Babotai, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Gabriella Józsa, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Angéla Németi, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- György Gonda, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- László Biczó, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Norbert Vörös, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Csaba Verebélyi, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Csilla Verebélyi, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Barbara Pásztor, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Andrea Kulcsár, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Ferenc Németh, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Erika Németh, tasting coordinator, Vince Magazine,
- Ágnes Németh, chief organizer