19 August – the 4th Hungarian Gettogether
It will be the world's most pleasant battle which has ever happened to a medieval castle. Hungarian Gettogether is a moving summer wine event held annually, always in a different H
25th Kadarka International Grand Prix
Kadarka is an indigenous black grape of the Carpathian Basin. It gives a light red, spicy and fruity, easly to drink wine, but in case of developed viticultural practices Kadarka [
1st February: Grand Tasting in Budapest
Hungarian wine enthusiasts are more than treated in February: as we reported earlier, Borjour Magnum, the largest indoor tasting will take place on 15th February with more than 220
Hungarian wineries at ProWein 2020
The largest trade fair of the world expects 6900 exhibitors in Düsseldorf, Germany on 15–17 March. Climate change will be a top topic in tutored tastings, larger space will be [
Where to stay during Villány Red Wine Festival
Villány Red Wine Festival on 4–6 October is one of the most popular harvest festivity in Hungary. The event is held in several squares of Villány (south of Hungary, approximate
„River night” – 50 wines on board
On 11 July Budapest Boat will leave the port with 12 winemakers and 50 wines to spend 4 hours on board with the magnificent view of the river Danube and Budapest.