What does the Hungarian WINE want – 12 points

March 15 is a public holiday in Hungary – 169 years ago a young poet, Sándor Petőfi recited his famous poem ont he stairs of the National Museum, then the ’12 points – what the Hungarian nation wants’ were announced. This was the point when the revolution of 1948 and 49 started.

petofiTo remember the heroes, we have put together the 12 points ’what the Hungarian wines want’:

  1. We need tolerance – please, keep in mind that during the communist era vineyards were confiscated from the owners, and wineries were forced for mass production. As a consequence quality winemaking is relatively new in Hungary.
  2. We ask you attention to phoneticsJ! We know, our language is difficult and differs from all the other languages, and to say ’Cserszegi Fűszeres’ is a twist of the tounge, but we are happy to practice!
  3. We need time: our winamekers usually need to release the wines too early, though the wines usually would be grateful for longer bottle aging.
  4. We need air: many of our wine regions are on volcanic soil, which gives complexitiy to the wine – areation is always rewarding!
  5. We need publicity – we are a small nation, even if we all spread the word, it is not enough. If you ever tasted a Hungarian wine that you like, do not hesitate to share it!
  6. We need attention – we have ambition, there are outstanding quality wines, but due to consecutice changes at the national wine marketing decision makers, wine marketing is still an issue. We cannot spend a fortune on advertising, we can just ask you to listen for a while…
  7. We need a second chance, especially for our Bikavér wines, known as bull’s blood. Please, forget the Bull’s Blood wines from the past, and taste the new ones from Eger and Szekszárd.
  8. We need a fresh eye, especially regarding Tokaj: this wine region has its superb sweet wines, but much more than that! Hárslevelű besides Furmint is a fantastic grape, Dry Tokaj is stunning! We even have méthode traditionelle sparkling from Tokaj.
  9. We need your ideas. As written above, wine marketing is still to be developed, every piece of advice helps!
  10. We need merchants who can handle small quantities. We have numerous craft wines that are suitable for top gastronomy segment.
  11. We need your visit. Come to Hungary, our hospitality is something that we are really proud of! Come and you won’t regret.
  12. We need your love! Thank you for your attention, if you have read through this, you have done a lot to us!

Raise our glasses to the heroes of the 1848–49 revolution with a fresh, lovely wine made of a Hungarian grape variety: Irsai Olivér, Haraszthy Winery, Etyek, 2016

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