Borbély Couple Badacsony Hungary

White Christmas with Borbély wines

Single vineyard and other specialities from volcanic Badacsony

The Winemaker of the Year 2020, Tamás Borbély (in the photo above with his wife) is the youngest winemaker ever receiving this prestigious title. This year the family winery offers cleverly selected packages of wine with some insights into their everyday lives and also with food pairing suggestions.

White Christmas package was inspired by a feeling: we all long for snow covered land at Christmas time. As Borbély family comments in the description of the package: “we cannot bring snow, but we can provide these great wines to guarantee a “white Christmas””.
The package is shipped only to Hungarian addresses, but you can order some Borbély wines to any European country.

Borbély white Christmas wine package

Single vineyard and other specialities from volcanic Badacsony

The Winemaker of the Year 2020, Tamás Borbély (in the photo above with his wife) is the youngest winemaker ever receiving this prestigious title. This year the family winery offers cleverly selected packages of wine with some insights into their everyday lives and also with food pairing suggestions.

White Christmas package was inspired by a feeling: we all long for snow covered land at Christmas time. As Borbély family comments in the description of the package: “we cannot bring snow, but we can provide these great wines to guarantee a “white Christmas””.
The package is shipped only to Hungarian addresses, but you can order some Borbély wines to any European country.

The package includes the following wines:

Badacsonyi Furmint Csóka Major 2019

Furmint, the flagship white grape of Hungary makes stunning wines in Badacsony wine region. The wine is the fruit of a vintage with an extreme hot summer, yet Borbély team managed to retain the vibrant acidity of the grape.

Food pairing suggestion: Christmas dishes (for example turkey) with baked apple.

Badacsonyi Szürkebarát Selection 2019

Szürkebarát (Pinot Gris) is one of the most important grapes of the wine regions around Lake Balaton. The grape came from the sunny slopes of Tóti and Gulács hills. The most beautiful crop of both vineyards gave this wine, which aged in barrel for 6 months. Full bodied, elegant, complex, harmonious wine.

Food pairing suggestion: Christmas dishes (for example turkey) with baked apple.

Badacsonyi Olaszrizling Jégbor 2015 (Ice Wine)

It is more and more difficult to create ice wine, since temperature goes under minus 7 ºC very rarely, however, on 3rd January in 2015, before sunrise the family could harvest at – 13 ºC. The grape variety is Olaszrizling (also known as Welschriesling) and it has 160 g/l residual sugar. A rare gift of nature!

Food pairing suggestion: Perfect partner of desserts and cakes. Serve it well chilled!

Badacsonyi Olaszrizling Kései 2019 (Late Harvest)

The harvest took place in November, berries had shrivelled by then. The residual sugar is 74 g/l, in perfect harmony with the lively acidity. The typical notes of Olaszrizling are complemented with aromas coming from the shrivelled berries.

Food pairing suggestion: Again here is a perfect partner of desserts and cakes. Serve it well chilled!

Karós Badacsonyi Olaszrizling 2017

A single vineyard Olaszrizling, the winner of several accolades. The training system in this vineyard is the old type of bush system, which they used to call ‘karós’ (‘supported by a stake’). The half hectare vineyard gives only 1000 bottles a year – a very limited wine. Hand selected, aged in 500 L oak barrel for 6 months and in bottle for an additional year. It is available only at the cellar (except for this special offer), each bottle is numbered.

Food pairing suggestion: Turkey dishes and pheasant soup.

Gézengúz Bácshegyi Olaszrizling 2019

Tamás Borbély’s son, Tamás Attila junior was born in 2019. How to celebrate the birth of the new generation? With a new wine, certainly. The grape came from Bács hill, a unique vineyard from 45 year old vines. A playful, vibrant, exciting wine – just like the little ‘Gézengúz’. ‘Gézengúz is a funny Hungarian word meaning something like ‘naughty boy’.

The wine is available only at the cellar – except for this special offer.

Food pairing suggestion: Also ideal with roast turkey and pheasant soup.


The package of 6 wines is available with 30% discount now: instead of 35 700 HUF it costs only 24 990 HUF (around 68 euros).

The webshop is in Hungarian, but google translate can help.

Some Borbély wines are available at Winelovers Webshop. They ship to any European country

Tamás Borbély and his son
Tamás Borbély and his son, Tamás Attila junior

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