Wine bar movement invites winelovers to give name to a Kékfrankos

Eight wine bars, a winery and a wine website united to promote wine bar culture in Hungary. Wine bars are extremely popular now, and Budapest is among the top destinations for party goers, but some of the wine bars claim to be much more then a cock night scene, they insist on haveing their own identity with carefully selected wines on their wine list.
The main feature of their first common action is a single varietal Kékfrankos wine, one of the most important grape variety of the Carpathian Basin. It comes from Szekszárd, Sebestyén winery, closed with screw cap, and it is a „bistro style”, easy drinking wine. The wine will be released in the spring of 2017 and will be available in the wine bars who have joined the initial.

The organizers ask winelovers to do some brainstorming and send short, smart names that reflect the love of wine, and the power of acting together. The name ideas can be sent until 31 December 2016, and the senders of the best ideas will win one of the tasting vouchers (among the prizes there is a Tokaji Aszú tasting but a champagne tasting as well).

The ’barbor’ (wine bar wine) sortiment is about to be continued with other wines made of grapes typical of the Carpathian Basin. If you feel like participating in the brainstorming, click here, and send your idea:
(’Nevet adok’ means I will give a name, click on it. ’A bor neve’: the name of the wine. ’Név’ at the bottom refers to the name of the sender.)

The wine bars who participate in the initial and offered prizes:

ETAP WINE BAR (Budapest)
0,75 (Budapest)
DOBLO WINE & BAR (Budapest)
KÖZ’PONT (Kecskemét)
PALACK (Budapest)
VINOPIANO (Budapest)

BORTÁRSASÁG (a wine store chain)
SEBESTYÉN winery (Szekszárd)
WINE FLOW (wine website)

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