3 instant reasons to visit Tornai Winery, Somló

Best great white wine, new chef, gratis „Love Wine”

Juhfark: the best wine of a Carpathian variety
The National Wine Competition (Országos Borverseny) has announced its results recently. This is the most important contest of Hungarian wines, this year 770 wines entered from 223 wineries. 51 experts evaluated the wines and altogether 234 medals were given: 3 great gold, 119 gold and 112 silver medals.Tornai Winery has won the „Best Great Dry White of Carpathian-basin Variety” category with Top Selection Aranyhegy Juhfark 2016. “True terroir wine, through which reflects very well the power of Somló. Plenty of minerality on the nose, harmonious fruit in the background in combination with oakiness.”

Norbert Fekete – a chef with knowledge and enthusiasm

He has been cooking all his life. Norbert Fekete has worked in several restaurants all over the country, and he is aware of the fact that one can never have enough experience: at the moment he is preparing for an Italian master course. His cuisine represents the traditional Hungarian style made with modern techniques. Tornai restaurant is a great challenge for him: the chef has to meet different requirements, therefore he will have the chance to try himself in every aspect of gastronomy.

Goose liver pâté with purple onion jam and home made brioche, asparagus cream soup with truffle oil and black sesame seeds

Gratis wine at the winery wine shop

If you visit Tornai Winery, visit the museum of the winery, enjoy the scenery from the terrace, try the delicious courses of the new chef, and do not leave without shopping. If you buy 5 bottles of the “Friss” wine selection, you will get the newest member of the line, Nagy Somlói Nász free. “Nász” is a Hungarian word hard to translate. It basically means marriage, but also refers to the first night spent together by the newly wed couple. And from now it refers to a new blend of Somló as well. Nagy Somlói Nász is a wine in which the traditional varieties of Somló (Olaszrizling and the aromatic Tramini) are married with the international favourite Sauvignon Blanc. Olaszrizling gives the base, while Tramini and Sauvignon Blanc give the spiciness. Intense nose with pear, lavender and rose oil, vibrant fruity palate and pleasant acidity. Exciting, balanced wine ideal for summer grill parties.

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