A Gere Winery, Winery of the Year

Winery of the Year announced: Attila Gere Winery

Villány wins the award for the 4th time in history

Winemaker of the Year, Winemaker of the Winemakers, The Most Beautiful Winery of the Year – there are so many awards, and certainly each of them has its significance, however undoubtedly the Winery of the Year takes the most effort to win. Not only during the selection process, but constantly. This year the award has gone to one of the most prestigious wine estates in Hungary: Attila Gere Winery, or as it is used on the labels, A. Gere Winery. Here A. refers to the founder Attila, also to his son Attila and most of all to his daughter, Andrea, who manages the estate with her husband, Kristóf Csizmadia. The award ceremony took place on 29 August in Villány.

Photos: Florence Lifestyle Agency

The process of the award

This prestigious accolade is presented annually together by three associations:
– the Hungarian Wine Academy,
– the National Council of Wine Communities and
– the Hungarian Association of Wine and Vine Producers.

During the nomination process, 850 industry participants are invited to vote for the winery they believe is most deserving of the award. The three wineries with the highest number of votes are then asked to submit a detailed presentation of their qualifications. These submissions are reviewed by the board members of the three organizations, who then cast their individual votes to determine the final ranking and select the winning winery.

When deciding, the professionals take a lot of aspects into consideration, like these:
– The quality of wines produced in the winery.
– The impact of the winery on local, regional, national and international level.
– The role of the winery in increasing the good reputation of Hungarian wines.
– The work of the winery to make quality and moderate wine drinking more popular.
– The image of the winery and the wines.
– The look of the winery building and all its facilities.
– Innovations, recent development of the winery.
– The size, condition, age of vineyards.
– Working conditions of the employees, the number of new workplaces created.

It is the fourth time that the award goes to Villány (or we can say 4 and the half, since Koch Winery in Hajós–Baja has vineyards in Villány as well).

See earlier award winners below.

Gere Winery of the Year Villány
The family with the award and the certificate
Gere Winery building in Villány
Gere Winery building in Villány – constant innovation

Another award to the super-famous Gere family?

Gere name is well-known in Hungary, since Attila was one of the pioneers who reformed Hungarian winemaking after the mass production era of the Communism. His efforts were rewarded: he was one of the first to win the Winemaker of the Year title. His Kopar and Solus wines are iconic, obligatory collectors’ items, their Crocus hotel is one of the most “chic” wine hotels in the country reflecting Andrea’s refined taste, while their Mandula restaurant is a culinary pilgrimage destination. What’s the point of another award?
A lot, in my opinion, because many of those pioneers just simply “go on working”, while the Gere family is keen on the constant innovation. One of the key facts is the conversion of the estate into organic farming. “In 2022, a new 1,200-square-meter cellar was completed, specially designed for both barrel and bottle ageing. Last year, the existing interior spaces were also renovated, creating fresh experiences for new visitors and returning guests alike. Whether it’s a guest’s first visit or a return trip, there is always something new to explore.” – says the press release, and it is true. I visit the estate almost every year, and yes, I can always find something new. Last year it was the astonishing wine vault in the cellar, full of the most cherished wine treasures of the winery.

Gere wines are available in several countries, for example in the Netherlands by Global Wineries and in the United States by Boutique Wine Collection.


Attila and Andrea Gere
Attila Gere and his daughter, Andrea
Andrea Gere, Kristóf Csizmadia
Andrea Gere and her husband, Kristóf Csizmadia

30 years and a generation later

Andrea Gere commenting on the award: “Thirty years ago, in 1994, my father was honoured with the Winemaker of the Year award. Today, I fully grasp that this recognition was a tribute to the intense and dynamic effort he put into establishing and elevating Attila Gere Winery to national prominence. It holds a deep symbolic meaning for me that, thirty years later, we are now receiving the Winery of the Year award as well. I see this as a reaffirmation of the commitment that has defined us every day since, now as part of the next generation. The timing of this award is even more meaningful because it reflects the collective strength of the Villány community. The fact that in 2024, all three major national awards were given to Villány winemakers is a testament to what we can achieve when we succeed together, side by side. This year, we celebrated Tamás Günzer as Winemaker of the Year in the spring, honoured József Bock with the Lifetime Achievement Award in June, and now, we have the privilege of receiving the Winery of the Year title.”

More about A. Gere Winery

Earlier award winners

(The award was not given every year.)

2023 Pannonhalma Archabbey, Pannonhalma
2019 Günzer Tamás Winery, Villány
2016 Patricius Winery, Tokaj
2015 Frittmann Winery, Kunság
2014 Koch Winery, Hajós–Baja
2013 IKON Winery, South Balaton
2012 Mészáros Wine House, Szekszárd
2011 Thummerer Winery, Eger
2010 Pannonhalma Archabbey, Pannonhalma (they won twice)
2009 Szöllősi Winery, Neszmély
2008 Vylyan Vineyard and Winery, Villány
2007 Bock Winery, Villány
2006 Garamvári Vineyards, South Balaton
2005 Disznókő, Tokaj
2004 Hilltop, Neszmély
2003 Tokaji Oremus, Tokaj
2002 Szőlőskert Rt., Mátra


Our article about Pannonhalma Archabbey Winery, last year’s winner

Winery of the Year 2023: Pannonhalma Archabbey Winery

Gere Winery Villány Hungary, white table at the vineyard
Gere family celebrating – white table in the vineyard

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