Taste Hungary US portfolio gere Kopar Béres Tokaji Eszencia

Béres Tokaji Eszencia, Gere Kopar – available in the US by Taste Hungary

New precious wines in the portfolio

Tokaji Eszencia is a heavenly wine collected drop by drop – hence the price. Yet, once in a lifetime you deserve it! While Gere Kopar is a stunning red wine, a true icon from the opposite corner of Hungary, Villány. Both available at Taste Hungary in the EU and in most of the states of the United States.

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Read our interview with Carolyn Bánfalvi, co-owner of Taste Hungary

The Hungarian ‘wine dealers’ of two continents

Béres, Tokaji Eszencia, 2008, Tokaj

Quoted from Taste Hungary

Tokaji Eszencia is a wine so rich and concentrated that it’s more likely to be served in a special crystal spoonthan in a glass. It’s produced from the free-run juice of the Aszú berries. The botrytised Aszú grapes, which have been hand selected in the vineyards over numerous harvests, are piled into vats, with the weight of the beries squeezing out their sugary juice. This essence of grape—hence its name—contains an incredible amount of sugar, sometimes as much as 800 grams per liter. This juice is then fermented for years. The sugary environment means it takes a while for the yeasts to get to work, very slowly, and they are rarely able to produce more than five percent alcohol. This is one of the world’s most expensive wines, only produced ion the best vintages. “At least one hundred times more grapes are needed for Eszencia than for a bottle of table wine,” wrote British wine writer Hugh Johnson.

Order in the US
239 USD / bottle (250 ml)

More about Béres Vineyard

Béres Tokaji Eszencia 2008 Hungary Taste Hungary

Gere, Kopar, 2018, Villány

Quoted from Taste Hungary

Kopar is arguably Hungary’s most iconic red wine. The first vintage of Kopar was released in 1997, and since then it has become one of Hungary’s most sought after wines. It was one of the first rich, full-bodied, age-worthy wines to get local and international recognition. Kopar is not Gere’s most expensive wine, but it is, by far, his most famous. This exceptional wine is a blend of Cabernet Franc (50 percent) and Merlot (40 percent), spiced up with some Cabernet Sauvignon (10 percent). In the glass, this wine has a deep ruby color with intense and concentrated aromas of black and blue fruit, sweet tobacco, leather, and sandalwood. It has 14.5 percent alcohol; rich and concentrated flavors of blackberry, graphite, and dark chocolate; and a firm tannin and acid structure.
Order in the US
$39.90 USD / bottle (750 ml)
More about A. Gere Winery



A Gere Kopar Villany

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