Sparkling Tasting in Budapest with more than 150 samples

Date: 10 June, 2017
Location: Corinthia Hotel Budapest (1075 Budapest, Erzsébet krt 43–49.)
Type of event: informal consumer tasting with Hungarian and international sparkling wines

As we wrote just before Christmas season, Hungary’s tendency of producing more and more sparkling wines – both méthod traditionelle and areated – is still going on. This event is dedicated fully to the bubbly lovers, showcasing the world of sparkling wines from champagne to cava, even including British sparkling wines, and of course with the treasures f Hungarian sparkling wines. There will be a masterclass of vintage champagne with 9 champagnes from 9 different champagne houses.

Every region sparks!

By today almost all of the Hungarian wine regions have released some sparkling wines, here is a handful of recommended ones.

The family winery produces excellent white wines and their red blend, the Bikavér is suberb as well. The bubbly white and rosé wines are areated, they are the youngest members of the family. The white is made of Leányka, Királyleányka and Muscat Ottonel – three grapes typical of the region of Eger. Their rosé sparkling is also made from a local grape: Kadarka.

The winery will release their first méthod traditionelle sparkling wine just for the event. The wine is so new that we haven’t tasted it either, we are curious very much!

The family winery produces its Frittmann Gold Brut méthod traditionelle sparkling wine of Ezerjó grape. The wine is elegant, gracious, bone dry, lovely. Frittman Gold Brut has won a Vinalies Gold medal.

The winery was the pioneer of this renessaince of sparkling wines we experience now. The méthod traditionalle sparkling wines are made of Furmint, with the highest care. You can taste a whole range at their booth: Extra Dry, Brut Classic, Brut Nature, Prestige Brut. Perfect examples to show that great sparkling can be made of local grape.

The country’s largest quality winemaker of red wines makes great rosé wines as well – and at remarkably good prices. Their 2,5 bar Teleki Villányi Cuvée rosé areated wines is fresh, clean and enjoyable. It is a cuvée, a blend of the grapes of Villány region.

More information about the tasting:

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