Top food pairings with Furmint by Fiona Beckett
Wines of Hungary UK run by Zsuzsa Toronyi did it again! The 3rd Furmint February campaign in the United Kingdom was probably more successful than the previous ones – even though the main pillar, the gastronomy sector is out of the cast now. 160 sommeliers and wine experts participated in the masterclass conducted by Caroline Gilby MW and Isa Bal MS, and of course each viewer had the protagonist: Furmint in their glasses shipped by Wines of Hungary UK.
Fiona Beckett renowned food and wine guru was most inspired by the wines, she created a whole list of dishes which would be ideal with fresh, dry Furmint wines. Smoked and cured fish, sushi and tempura, white asparagus – just a few of the ideas listed by the expert.
As for more matured, oak aged Furmint wines Fiona Beckett considers grilled lobster, pork belly and even Moroccan tagines good choices.
Agree? You cannot judge only if you try it yourselves.
If you need help to find Furmint wines in the UK, contact Wines of Hungary UK.
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