Believe the sommeliers – drink Villa Sandahl!

The Hungarian Sommelier Association has given Par Excellence awards for the 7th time this week. All the members can vote and the final decision is made by the chairmen of the association. The winners of the 5 categories:

Villa Sandahl estate in Badacsony (winery category),
Borvár wine store in Budapest (wine merchant category),
St. Andrea wine bar and restaurant in Budapest (restaurant category),
Zoltán Győrffy wine writer, editor in chief of Pécsi Borozó (wine writer category)
Péter Flórián Hegedűs professor of Miskolc University, marketing and tourism (educator category)

sommelier association winners

Obsessed by Rhine Riesling

Villa Sandahl is a unique venture in many aspects. First of all the estate was founded by two Swedish brothers and their families. Then it is the grape varieties, which is in fact one grape variety: Rhine Riesling. Here is how they came to that conclusion: “After experimenting some years with different grape varieties, harvest dates, yield, and wine making methods, we came to the conclusion that

– The slightly too hot climate in our south facing and steep vineyards, demanded a grape variety that could better stand the heat. Rhine Riesling ripening later with pronounced acidity became the perfect match to the micro climate.

– The most important quality factor, beside a lot of others, is a late harvest. We took advantage of the Riesling late ripening and the Badacsony warm autumn, to stretch harvest time until the grapes almost approached over ripeness.

– We should keep the ton per hectare yield at such low value, that other factors became the limit for the quality level, which is somewhere around 5–7 tons per hectare.

Wet stones, Dig it, Tie mania – and the others

Are these movie titles? Or coctail names? They could be both, but these are names of Villa Sandahl wines. The labels are designed by one of the owners, Christer Sandahl, and he introduces a new, unique concept year by year, the labels are never repeated. For example each label of vintage 2018 depicts a road sign – Dig it is one of them.  Each label of vintage 2016 depicts a moment of the brothers’ Asian round tripTie mania refers to Christer’s existing passion for ties. Labels of vintage 2015 are created to express the aromas and flavours during bottling. When Wet stones 2015 was bottled, it reminded them of wet basalt stones indeed.
Villa Sandahl also has a guesthouse to stay – the house offers the most beautiful panorama of Badacsony, one of the most picturesque slices of the Lake Balaton landscape. The rooms and furniture are of typical Scandinavia design, appreciated in whole Europe.

More about Villa Sandahl

The key, Villa Sandahl, Badacsony, guest house, Hungary

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