Another amazing event – thanks to all of you!

Our 2nd Hungarian Gettogether took place on 16 August, and it was again a pleasure to meet so many wine enthusiasts. Thank you for coming! There were 214 participants in Csetvei Garden, and we shared the joy of tasting Babarczi wines from Pannonhalma, Borbély and Sabar wines from Badacsony, Csányi / Teleki wines from Villány, Etyeki Kúria from Etyek, Tornai from Somló, Hilltop from Neszmély, Taschner from Sopron, Koch from Hajós–Baja, Tóth Ferenc from Eger, Zsirai and TR wines from Tokaj. The event gave home to the award ceremony of the 2nd Hungarian WebWineWriting competition, congratulations to the winners again! Ruma Singh (India), Sarah May Grunwald (Italy), Nicoletta Dicova (Bulgaria / Italy), Dorottya Magyar, Dániel Ercsey and Zoltán Győrffy (Hungary) – we are happy that we could celebrate with some of you! Congratulations to the finalists as well – you did great job and entered precious articles.

The winner and finalist articles can be read here, in all the 6 categories (3 in English and 3 in Hungarian)

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