Tűzkő Domb blend

Bordeux blend grand tasting on 20 November in Budapest

Early bird tickets until midnight!

“Bordói November” is definitely a great challenge for followers of Dry November initiative, since 60 wineries pour around 150 Bordeaux blend wines in glamorous five star Hotel Corinthia Budapest. (‘Bordó’ is the Hungarian spelling of Bordeaux, plus it stands for dark ruby colour, the colour of matured rad wine.) Besides the walk around tasting the organizers offer free lectures at the “Pop Up School” and a separate hall with special bottles

Exhibitors come from all over the country, among others we can meet Taschner Winery and Sparkling Wine Cellar from Sopron, Bock Cellar, Gere A Winery and Gere Tamás & Zsolt Winery from Villány, Eszterbauer Winery, Dúzsi Family Winery and Lajver Wine House from Szekszárd, Koch Winery from Hajós–Baja or Tűzkő Estate from Tolna wine region, whose flagship wine is the protagonist of our cover photo.

A star of the grand tasting

Tűzkő Domb Cuvée 2017 is a blend of Cabernet Franc and Merlot. The icon wine of the winery following the classic Bordeaux style and made only in exceptional vintages. The grape comes from a low yield single vineyard called Tűzkő Hill (‘domb’ means ‘hill’). This harmonious, full bodied, yet spicy and vibrant wine was born from the revival of traditions. Gold medal winner of several national and international competitions. “Deep colour, full bodied, matured wine rich in refined tannins. Thanks to the two varieties fruity and spicy notes meet, and the blend is made complex with some discrete barrel ageing and 10 months of bottle ageing. Refined, integrated tannins with the deep, warm character of Cabernet Franc and the velvety and chocolate character of Merlot.” Ideal with venison dishes, red meat and desserts made with chocolate and sour cherry.

More about Tűzkő Estate

Bordói November (Bordeaux blend grand tasting)

Date and time: 20 November, 14.00–22.00
Venue: Corinthia Hotel Budapest (Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 63–67.)
Tickets: 10 900 HUF / person (until midnight of 29 October), after 13 900 HUF / person (30 euros). The price includes unlimited tasting of the wines, except for the top wine hall, where samples are to be purchased.
Tickets are available here (in Hungarian, but google translate can help)

Bordói November Bordeaux blend tasting Budapest

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