Pannon Wine Picnic with legendary winemakers on 9–10 September
Gastro Paradise in the town of Tata (40–50 minutes from Budapest)
The only 2 Michelin star restaurant of the Hungarian countryside, Platán will host 26 other renowned restaurants, confectioneries or bakeries. The outdoor event takes place in the castle park of the town of Tata, participants can taste great food at reasonable price. Wines will be poured by members of Pannon Wine Guild from all over Hungary – even from Hungarian wineries over the border.
Just to mention a few: Bock, A. Gere and Gere Tamás & Zsolt from Villány, Dúzsi, Eszterbauer, Heimann and Vesztergombi from Szekszárd, Pannonhalma Archabbey Winery from Pannonhalma, Gál Tibor and Tóth Ferenc Wineries from Eger, Bott Frigyes from Slovakia and Balla Géza from Romania.
Important information
Venue: Esterházy Castle park, Tata, Hungary
Date and time: 9 and 10 September 2023, on Saturday from 11 am to 10 pm, on Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm
Registration is needed prior the event online. Ticket costs 2000 HUF (about 5 EUR), of which 1000 HUF is a voucher to b used at the vendors.
Register here (in Hungarian, but very simple, google can help)
List of exhibiting restaurants (scroll down) and wineries (scroll down almost to the bottom)
Contact: info@svet.hu, +36 70 634 5182
How to get to Tata: by car it takes only 50 minutes via M1 motorway. With an Intercity train from Kelenföld railway station it takes only 37 minutes.
The name of the event: SVÉT 13.0
SVÉT 13.0, Tata – the name SVÉT is an abbreviation of ‘Stílusos Vidéki Éttermiség’ meaning something like ‘Stylish Intellectual Gastronomy from the Countryside’
What is Pannon Wine Guild?
Pannon Wine Guild (in Hungarian Pannon Bormíves Céh) is an association of the most significant family wineries throghout the country. It was founded by 1999 by ten wineries – ever since then it has been a prestige to become a member. They hold tasting events, among others the annual Christmas tasting. The Guild has 33 members at the moment.
Official website (in Hungarian):