Wine & Jazz in the city of Debrecen from today until Sunday night
Garamvári Vineyard (South Balaton), Frittmann Winery (Kunság), Kovács Nimród Winery (Eger), Szeleshát (Szekszárd), Sauska (Tokaj & Villány), Tornai Winery (Somló), Koch Winery (Hajós–Baja & Villány), Vylyan Vineyard and Winery (Villány) – just some of the diverse list of exhibitors at the 3–6 August wine and music festival in the second largest city of Hungary.
Date and time: 3–6 August 2023, from 4 pm (until 1 or 2 am depending on the program)
Venue: “Nagyerdő‘ (meaning “Big Forest”), the park of Debrecen
Distance from Budapest: Debrecen is only a 2.5 hours’ drive mainly on M3 motorway or a bit more by train.
Tickets: available on the spot from 2700 HUF (around 7 euros)
Full list of wine exhibitors
Musicians: The performers are contemporary Hungary jazz singers and bands including Veronika Harcsa with her unique voice. See all performers here.
More information (in Hungarian but google can help)
Listen to Veronika Harcsa