Advent Wine Saloon in Pécs
4th December: 70 wineries, 180 wines, new location – but only 300 tickets! A walk around tasting in the stunning city of Pécs.
Vote and Taste – Vince Gala on 5-6 November
Renowned wine experts nominated their most memorable wines (and wine shops, wine bars, wineries) and winelovers can vote – and taste.
Saved from hungry sterlings
The extreme weather of 2019 had positive influence on Villa Sandahl wines. The most peculiar estate has recently presented its new 4 Rhine Riesling wines for the trade.
Wine of the Month: ‘NOT YET’ from Villa Sandahl, Badacsony
Whatever Zsolt Palcsó, Villa Sandahl winemaker touches, it becomes gold. Now Villa Sandahl Not Yet 2018 (Badacsony) is Wine of the Month in VinCE Magazine.
Croatian Hilton star chef loves Hungarian artisan wines
Deni Srdoč chef of Nebo (Rijeka Hilton) lists 12 Hungarian wines, among others Villa Sandahl Wet Stones and Zsirai Fordítás.
A crazy good idea: why to buy a more expensive wine
Villa Sandahl estate in Badacsony, Hungary created a chart for every vintage to show how each of their wines will evolve with time.
Rabbit Periscope Rhine Riesling – the Winewriters’ choice
5th Hungarian Wine Grand Prix best white wine: Villa Sandahl Rhine Riesling Rabbit Periscope. Best red: Balla Géza Feketeleányka Selection.
Believe the sommeliers – drink Villa Sandahl!
Villa Sandahl – in many aspects the most unique estate in Hungary – receives Per Excellence award by the Hungarian Sommelier Association.