7th Hungarian Gettogether
15 August (Thursday) 2024

About the event
14.00 Opening, the walk around tasting begins and lasts until 21.00
14.00–18.00 Taste and write: write short wine review and win a bottle of wine on the spot – powered by REKONTIR
15.00 Sauska winery visit in English (registration is needed)
16.00 Cocktail workshop by Norbert Schök (registration is needed)
17.00 Sauska winery visit in Hungarian (registration is needed)
17.00 Cocktail workshop by Norbert Schök (open for the guests on the spot)
18.00 Sauska winery visit in Hungarian (registration is needed)
18.30 Award ceremony of the 7th WebWineWriting competition
18.45 Award giving to the writers of the best short wine reviews
19.00–22.00 Dj Late Harvest
21.00 Return of the bus to Budapest
22.00 Closing
Shake & Taste
Wine based cocktails – workshop by the Hungarian National Council of the Wine Communities

The glass of the event: Halimba Crystal

The partner hotel of the event: Andrássy Kúria

Guest exhibitor: Concours Mondial de Bruxelles
The renowned international wine contest will be represented by Thomas Brandl wine writer and CMB ambassador. Participants will have the chance to taste gold medal winning wines from Hungary and several other countries, including some really exotic places.

The Guests
Confirmed guests so far (partners, plus ones, kids, dogs are not listed:)
- Dr. Iker Berasaluce, Weinakademiker, Austria / Spain
- Tony Adamic, YouTuber, “I Love This Place”, Italy / USA
- Hajnalka Szabó, wine writer, WebWineWriting finalist, borkaller.hu, Hungary
- Marco Barbieri, wine writer, WebWineWriting winner, italianguyinhungary.wordpress.com, Italy / Hungary
- Tibor Dékány, wine writer, WebWineWriting finalist, Bor és Piac, Hungary
- Yan Biazruchka, sommelier, wine writer, WebWineWriting finalist, Lithuania / Ukrainie
- Thomas Brandl, wine writer, Xenos-Comm.de, Germany
- Regina Édes, co-owner, Le Bouchon Vinothek, Switzerland
- Tomasz Marcinkowski, TrezorWines, Poland
- Sylvie Pelissier, expat travel organizer, France / Hungary
- Bert Lemahieu, Biborwines, Belgium
- Mary Lopatto, www.budagastropest.com, Russia
- Laurent Roux, France / Hungary
- Maria Pozzo Tonkova, wine writer, Hungary
- Sergey Smolin, wine writer, Russia
- Wolfgang Endreß, Weinkomplott, Germany
- Sebastian Giraldo, sommelier, Hungary / Columbia
- Lídia Füle, wine tasting organizer, In Vino Lídia, Hungary
- Andrea Gulyás, communication director, HNT, Hungary
- Bernadett Poós, communication, HNT
- Attila Somogyi, communication, HNT
- Csaba Rádler, sales deputy director, REKONTIR, Hungary
- Zoltán Kertai, Gourmet Expert, Hungary
- Gábor Mate, Hungarian Sommelier Association, Hungary
- Brigitta Fischer, TotalDrinks, Hungary
- Károly Gulyás & Böbe, Izsóp Restaurant, Hungary
- Norbert Budai head sommelier, Avalon Hotel
- Edit Sinkó, journalist, Hungary
- Csaba Maróthy, wine writer, Hungary
- Csaba Harmath, wine expert, Hungary
- Enikő Holczreiter, sommelier, F&B Manager, Andrássy Kúria, Hungary
- Krisztián Száraz, wine writer, SEO-expert, borgonista.hu
- Gabriella Merk, boraszat.hu, Hungary
- Csilla Jánosi, Wine a’More Travel, Hungary
- István Jánosi, Wine a’More Travel, Hungary
- Sándor Csíki, wine writer, Foodandwine.hu, Hungary
- András Valcsák, sommelier, Botanique, Hungary
- Zsuzsa Toronyi, Wine Communications, UK / Hungary
- Beáta Keszler, DipWSET, Hungary
- Kristian Kielmayer, DipWSET, Hungary
- Bernadette Lautner, wine collector, Hungary
- Mihály Simon, barista, Hungary
- Corinna Sohn, wine connoisseur, Germany
- Krisztina Csiba, wine writer, Hungary
- Vivien Zsótér, sommelier, bar manager, Hungary
- Emese Domián, WSET wine expert, Hungary
- Sándor Ember, wine writer, Hungary
- Dezső Diószegi, commercial director, WineHub, Hungary
- Anett Varró-Túróczi, owner, Warrosco.com, Hungary
- Gergő Kundermann, wine writer, borfoldrajz.hu, Hungary
- Szabolcs Nóthnágel, borkell.hu, Hungary
- Levente Habány, wine expert, Hungary
- Dr Botond Simon, orszagosbortura.hu, Hungary
- Szonja Bencze, orszagosbortura.hu, Hungary
- Emma Bozsó, manager, St Andrea Sky Bar, Hungary
- Tímea Kókai-Nagy, wine writer, Hungary
- Zoltán Szabó winemaker, wine writer, Hungary
- Angéla Németi, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Andrea Balog, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Bence Sebők, WineFo, Hungary
- Norbert & Hajnalka Izsák, wine connoisseurs, Hungary
- György Zsiga Danubewines.co.uk, UK / Humgary
- Diána Papp. writer, Hungary
- Rita & András rendik Market More Scandinavia
- Fanni Fövényi, photographer, Hungary
- Kitty Borsos, sommelier, Hungary
- Ákos Karlecz, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Péter Kemény, musician, wine connoisseur, Era Nova, Hungary
- Kata Szöllősi, musician, Era Nova, Hungary
- Zsolt Fehér, export expert, Hungary
- András Horváth, politologist, wine connoisseur, Hungary
- Ákos Lini, veterinary surgeon, wine connoisseur, Hungary