Csetvei Cellar
The winery was founded and is owned by a young lady called Krisztina Csetvei. She was born near Szabadka in 1983 (Subotica, a Hungarian speaking town in Serbia) and moved to Budape
Best Buy Traminer from Hungary
Traminer is a grape variety with quite obscure origin: it might have originated in France or Germany, it might be named after the town of Tramin in South Tirol, Alto […]
3 events to taste Csetvei wines
Kriszti Csetvei is one of the most talented and creative winemaker in Hungary. Growing grapes in the second smallest wine region, Mór (and in the smallest Somló as well) she [&he
Coda di pecora – ‘Juhfark’ in the eye of an Italian
Davide Bortone, the editor in chief of Winemag.it has been stuck in Hungary, and though it must be hard for him, we are happy with the situation, because ha has […]
Happy Mother’s Day, Kriszta!
Krisztina Csetvei is not only a great winemaker, but also a creative mind, who never runs out of new ideas. We loved her ‘periodic system’, which did not consist of [&h
Who is the next winemaker on the floor?
While in Hollywood you can see names of celebrated movie stars in Walk of Fame, in Budapest, Hungary you can see similar stars, but they belong to celebrated winemakers. Borászok
Mór & Mátra wine dinner at Jardinette, Budapest
Jardinette is a must visit restaurant on Sas hill, in Buda – the capital of Hungary is divided into Buda and Pest, Pest is flat and modern, while Buda is […]
1st February: Grand Tasting in Budapest
Hungarian wine enthusiasts are more than treated in February: as we reported earlier, Borjour Magnum, the largest indoor tasting will take place on 15th February with more than 220
EzerYO at the 2nd Hungarian Gettogether
Have you ever tasted Ezerjó? It is an indigenous Hungarian grape almost exclusively grown in Mór wine region, the second smallest wine region. It is hard to „tame” it becaus
1 June: Csetvei Garden opening party
Star gazing, wine tasting and dancing till dawn – the opening party of Csetve Garden surrounded by Ezerjó vines will be unforgettable for sure.