Miskolc female wine tasting Hungary

The essence of beauty – ladies’ tasting on 25 November in Miskolc

20 female winemakers in the Palace of Music

Participants of this unique evening can taste wines from all over Hungary, what is more, all the wines will be poured personally by the female winemaker / manager / owner / founder of the given winery. Miskolc is the 4th largest city in the north-east part of the country – this evening will certainly be worth travelling!

Date and time: 25 November 2022, 19.00–23.00
Venue: Zenepalota (Palace of Music), Miskolc, Bartók square, Hungary
Tickets: 25 000 HUF / person (62 euro), today only 19 500 HUF (48 euro)
Click here to buy ticket (in Hungarian, but not too complicated).
Ticket includes unlimited tasting, tasting glass and wine bites
Miskolc is 2 hours’ drive from Budapest, also accessible by InterCity train.
Wine auction for charity at 22.00

Wine ladies from our cover photo

Zsuzsanna Babarczi, Babarczi Winery and Vineyard, Pannonhalma
Vivien Ujvári, Barta Winery, Tokaj
Krisztina Csetvei, Csetvei Cellar, Mór
Ágnes Dunai, Dubicz Winery, Mátra
Zita Kovács, Sol Montis, Mátra
Katalin Tóth, Tóth Ferenc Winery, Eger
Kata Zsirai, Zsirai Winery, Tokaj
Mónika Debreczeni, Vylyan Vineyard and Winery, Villány

Esszencia Wine Tasting Miskolc

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