Meet Kurt Taschner at the 5th Hungarian Gettogether
Just like in case of a good wedding, for Gettogether it is important to have a great location, stunning wines and good company, which is guaranteed – just take a look at our exhi
3 wines not to miss at Gourmet Festival
At Gourmet Festival you can get a sample of the plates of the most highly rated Hungarian restaurants, plus you can taste wines of several great wineries like Barta, Béres or Hold
Béres ‘Gold of the Sun’ – Best value white blend
Hungary's market leading print wine magazine featured premium white blends in its latest issue. The second best is Béres Naparany Cuvée at only 4000 HUF (11 euros).
The spirit of a brave village
Let us recommend a spirit from Erdőbénye, a 40% distilled drink made of 100% pure quince from the 1.8 hectare quince orchard of Béres. A perfect "liquid winter coat"...
The golden hello – how I fell for Hungarian wine
"We drank this nectar, as old as their marriage and still just as alive, with some cheese, a few weeks later, and reminisced on what had been a great day."
The best thing in the Hungarian Parliament
The world's second largest Parliament building is worth a visit anyway, but if you are lucky enough to participate in an event in the glamorous historical building, you can be sure
Winelovers 100 Grand Tasting on 18 September
When a child arrives at the amusement park, he gets excited and doesn't know where to start. Should he begin with the merry-go-around or the water slide? Something similar will hap
“Sunflower” – the Cake of Hungary 2021
"Sunflower" – the Cake of Hungary 2021 Try with Taschner Soproni Zenit, Borbély Badacsonyi Zeusz or Béres Tokaji Late Harvest.
5 rebel bubblies – time to refresh
Vylyan pét-nat, Giorgio Furmint (and Yellow Muscat) frizzante from Patricius in Tokaj, Paulus sparkling from the unknown Generosa, Béres aerated sparkling and an organic pét-nat
A superb food & wine pairing website from Tokaj
Béres Vineyard and Winery has recently celebrated its 15th birthday. As part of a recent development the website of the estate has been enriched with food recommendations and comp