Borbély Olaszrizling with Tibor Babiczky’s poem
Borbély Bács hegy Olasz rizling 2016 and Tibor Babiczky's poem is one of the 12 pairs of the '1poem 1wine' project. Taste them and listen to them on 19 August in Zánka!
Rosé, Riesling & Jazz on 8–17 July
Rosé, Riesling & Jazz festival is a side event of VeszprémFest with live music (with its own stage) and around 30 wineries – with Borbély Family Winery among them.
Winelovers Expo on 22 June in Budapest
At least 12 countries with exciting grape varieties, more than 700 wines (the organizers are still counting) and 10 great wine exhibitors.
Danube river cruises with KNW wines on board
The travellers on board of Avalon fleet can enjoy several wines from renowned Eger estate, Kovács Nimród Winery. Discover the beauty of the River Danube with fine fines in your g
19 August – the 4th Hungarian Gettogether
It will be the world's most pleasant battle which has ever happened to a medieval castle. Hungarian Gettogether is a moving summer wine event held annually, always in a different H
Changes – some unusual Christmas thoughts
Sometimes we are sick and tired with the cheesy Christmas cards. Especially when we are having hard times, and empty words do not help. Let us share some different "merry Christmas
Kadarka – not frivolous at all!
If you ever taste a good Kadarka, you will fall in love with it. Charming, full of spices, enchantingly fruity and tempts you to have another glass of it.
Tokaji Aszú as a summer wine? Yes!
In the heat of the summer we do not really feel like drinking sweet wine, however, Tokaji Aszú is a different case. The golden colour of the wine brings sunshine […]
Sparkling wine festival in Budapest
Sándor Petőfi, the renowned poet and an importnt character of the revolution of 1848–49 must have popped in this event to cheer with a glass of bubbly. He liked wine, […