Sky Furmint and Sky baby – the philosophy of a happy grandpa

Furmint grape is more and more wellknown. It is mostly associated with Tokaj, though Furmint is grown in many other Hungarian wine regions, for example Eger. Kovács Nimród Winery has recently released Sky Furmint 2016, and this gorgeous wine is ready to take you to the sky! And some extra: Nimród has named the wine after his grandson, Skyler, who is a cute and lovely baby, adorable, just like his namesake.

Rich and creamy

Nimród Kovács decided to make world famous wines long ago. And he has been managing to do it for a long time! NJK, Grand Bleu – these are wines you will never forget. And besides the red blend (NJK) and the Blaufrankisch / Kékfrankos (Grand Bleu) we can announce that Sky is the white flagship wine of the estate. Last year Tamlyn Currin wine writer ( tasted the previous vintage, and she gave it the highest score among the non-Tokaj Furmint wines. The recent vintage is 2016, and it is stunning again. Abundant in white fruites and creamy texture which fills the mouth. The key to the greatness of the wine is the vineyard: Nagy Eged, the highest one in Hungary. And the smart use of the barrel makes it rounded and complex with sweet spices: 2/3 of the wine was fermented in oak barrel and was matured in second and third use 225 L and 500 L barrels for 9 months on the lees.


An ever-cheerful guy

I have known Nimród Kovács for many years, and I must admit, I adore him. He is always cheerful, always charming – okay, I am a woman with eyes, but I must also admit that his wife, Dorottya is one of the most elegant women I have ever seen –. always gentleman. But apart from these great characteristics, he is ambitious, highly intelligent and he has a “normal” point of view. By normal I mean healthy, positive, humanistic. Listen to him telling the adventurous story of his life and you will understand my point:

How the winery survived lockdown

I have read an interview with him recently written by Judit Doros, and again the philosophy of Nimród became crystal clear. Nimród Kovács was speaking about the weeks of lockdown, how grateful he is to live in a house with a garden, and he was also happy to tell that the whole team of the estate was kept. It required some logistics, some allocations of time, tasks and budget, but thanks God everyone is safe and employed.

Nimród says, in the weeks of lockdown time slowed down, we had time to think. “As if coronavirus had only enlarged what we felt in connection with climate change. We, humans take away space from other living creatures, put concrete on everything or create industrial agricultural plants. Animals are pushed put from their own living places, they get less and less space, which obviously generates stress, and stress is the source of illness, as we all know. Maybe there is an adventage of this virus-story: the ‘homo sapiens’ might have realized that it fell into the extremes regarding consumption“. Me and my family do not belong to the people who consume mindlessly, but the past months have made us even more conscious of the fact that we don’t need to buy and stock more than the essential. We don’t need another piece of the most modern gadgets again” – explains Nimród. When speaking about superfluous gadgets, he uses the word „basszfitty”. Impossible to translate, but sounds funny, I hope you like the word!

But more important is that the estate is sustainable, they use as little chemicals as possible, and pay the maximum attention to nature.

Written by Ágnes Németh

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